We wouldn't dare misbehave while the Chief is on vacation. Besides, Georgie is quite capable of keeping us in line.
Well, most of the time.
This is most definitely NOT a picture of yours truly "helping" Leona finish her wall hanging. Although it's possible that she might not have finished it before she left on her trip if she hadn't had the help of her dedicated friends. Besides, that seems like a completely reasonable canvas to learn to needlepoint on, don't you think?
Look, she finished it. It's pretty amazing, isn't it?
Some people might be taking the opportunity to lounge around while Leona is gone, but Katie is definitely not one of them. She spent months working on this beach blanket. It is a bag that opens out into a blanket. That is the i-cord she is finishing. It will weave through the eyelets to cinch it closed when it's a bag.
Deidre is only shirking a little bit. She finished that needlepoint canvas quite quickly, but that scarf languished for over a year, I'm told. I cropped the picture because the camera caught her blinking and I'm sure she wouldn't forgive me if I put that on the internet.
Our dear Natalie isn't loafing. She has been working on a hat, but not the one she is wearing. That is one
And now for two finished objects from Nonnie. The pillow on the left has come back from the finisher and the pagoda on the right has been sent off to be finished.
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